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Flow Access API Specification

The Access API is implemented as a gRPC service.

A language-agnostic specification for this API is defined using Protocol Buffers, which can be used to generate client libraries in a variety of programming languages.

Flow Access Node Endpoints



Ping will return a successful response if the Access API is ready and available.

rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PingResponse)

If a ping request returns an error or times out, it can be assumed that the Access API is unavailable.


message PingRequest {}


message PingResponse {}

Block Headers

The following methods query information about block headers.


GetLatestBlockHeader gets the latest sealed or unsealed block header.

rpc GetLatestBlockHeader (GetLatestBlockHeaderRequest) returns (BlockHeaderResponse)


message GetLatestBlockHeaderRequest {
bool is_sealed


message BlockHeaderResponse {
flow.BlockHeader block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


GetBlockHeaderByID gets a block header by ID.

rpc GetBlockHeaderByID (GetBlockHeaderByIDRequest) returns (BlockHeaderResponse)


message GetBlockHeaderByIDRequest {
bytes id


message BlockHeaderResponse {
flow.BlockHeader block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


GetBlockHeaderByHeight gets a block header by height.

rpc GetBlockHeaderByHeight (GetBlockHeaderByHeightRequest) returns (BlockHeaderResponse)


message GetBlockHeaderByHeightRequest {
uint64 height


message BlockHeaderResponse {
flow.BlockHeader block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


The following methods query information about full blocks.


GetLatestBlock gets the full payload of the latest sealed or unsealed block.

rpc GetLatestBlock (GetLatestBlockRequest) returns (BlockResponse)


message GetLatestBlockRequest {
bool is_sealed


message BlockResponse {
flow.Block block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


GetBlockByID gets a full block by ID.

rpc GetBlockByID (GetBlockByIDRequest) returns (BlockResponse)


message GetBlockByIDRequest {
bytes id


message BlockResponse {
flow.Block block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


GetBlockByHeight gets a full block by height.

rpc GetBlockByHeight (GetBlockByHeightRequest) returns (BlockResponse)


message GetBlockByHeightRequest {
uint64 height


message BlockResponse {
flow.Block block
flow.BlockStatus block_status


The following methods query information about collections.


GetCollectionByID gets a collection by ID.

rpc GetCollectionByID (GetCollectionByIDRequest) returns (CollectionResponse)


message GetCollectionByIDRequest {
bytes id


message CollectionResponse {
flow.Collection collection


The following methods can be used to submit transactions and fetch their results.


SendTransaction submits a transaction to the network.

rpc SendTransaction (SendTransactionRequest) returns (SendTransactionResponse)

SendTransaction determines the correct cluster of collection nodes that is responsible for collecting the transaction based on the hash of the transaction and forwards the transaction to that cluster.


SendTransactionRequest message contains the transaction that is being request to be executed.

message SendTransactionRequest {
flow.Transaction transaction


SendTransactionResponse message contains the ID of the submitted transaction.

message SendTransactionResponse {
bytes id


GetTransaction gets a transaction by ID.

If the transaction is not found in the access node cache, the request is forwarded to a collection node.

Currently, only transactions within the current epoch can be queried.

rpc GetTransaction (GetTransactionRequest) returns (TransactionResponse)


GetTransactionRequest contains the ID of the transaction that is being queried.

message GetTransactionRequest {
bytes id


TransactionResponse contains the basic information about a transaction, but does not include post-execution results.

message TransactionResponse {
flow.Transaction transaction


GetTransactionResult gets the execution result of a transaction.

rpc GetTransactionResult (GetTransactionRequest) returns (TransactionResultResponse)


message GetTransactionRequest {
bytes id


message TransactionResultResponse {
flow.TransactionStatus status
uint32 status_code
string error_message
repeated flow.Event events



GetAccount gets an account by address at the latest sealed block.

⚠️ Warning: this function is deprecated. It behaves identically to GetAccountAtLatestBlock and will be removed in a future version.

rpc GetAccount(GetAccountRequest) returns (GetAccountResponse)


message GetAccountRequest {
bytes address


message GetAccountResponse {
Account account


GetAccountAtLatestBlock gets an account by address.

The access node queries an execution node for the account details, which are stored as part of the sealed execution state.

rpc GetAccountAtLatestBlock(GetAccountAtLatestBlockRequest) returns (AccountResponse)


message GetAccountAtLatestBlockRequest {
bytes address


message AccountResponse {
Account account


GetAccountAtBlockHeight gets an account by address at the given block height.

The access node queries an execution node for the account details, which are stored as part of the execution state.

rpc GetAccountAtBlockHeight(GetAccountAtBlockHeightRequest) returns (AccountResponse)


message GetAccountAtBlockHeightRequest {
bytes address
uint64 block_height


message AccountResponse {
Account account



ExecuteScriptAtLatestBlock executes a read-only Cadence script against the latest sealed execution state.

This method can be used to read execution state from the blockchain. The script is executed on an execution node and the return value is encoded using the JSON-Cadence data interchange format.

rpc ExecuteScriptAtLatestBlock (ExecuteScriptAtLatestBlockRequest) returns (ExecuteScriptResponse)

This method is a shortcut for the following:

header = GetLatestBlockHeader()
value = ExecuteScriptAtBlockID(header.ID, script)


message ExecuteScriptAtLatestBlockRequest {
bytes script


message ExecuteScriptResponse {
bytes value


ExecuteScriptAtBlockID executes a ready-only Cadence script against the execution state at the block with the given ID.

This method can be used to read account state from the blockchain. The script is executed on an execution node and the return value is encoded using the JSON-Cadence data interchange format.

rpc ExecuteScriptAtBlockID (ExecuteScriptAtBlockIDRequest) returns (ExecuteScriptResponse)


message ExecuteScriptAtBlockIDRequest {
bytes block_id
bytes script


message ExecuteScriptResponse {
bytes value


ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight executes a ready-only Cadence script against the execution state at the given block height.

This method can be used to read account state from the blockchain. The script is executed on an execution node and the return value is encoded using the JSON-Cadence data interchange format.

rpc ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeight (ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeightRequest) returns (ExecuteScriptResponse)


message ExecuteScriptAtBlockHeightRequest {
uint64 block_height
bytes script


message ExecuteScriptResponse {
bytes value


The following methods can be used to query for on-chain events.


GetEventsForHeightRange retrieves events emitted within the specified block range.

rpc GetEventsForHeightRange(GetEventsForHeightRangeRequest) returns (GetEventsForHeightRangeResponse)

Events can be requested for a specific sealed block range via the start_height and end_height (inclusive) fields and further filtered by event type via the type field.

If start_height is greater than the current sealed chain height, then this method will return an error.

If end_height is greater than the current sealed chain height, then this method will return events up to and including the latest sealed block.

The event results are grouped by block, with each group specifying a block ID, height and block timestamp.

Event types are name-spaced with the address of the account and contract in which they are declared.


message GetEventsForHeightRangeRequest {
string type
uint64 start_height = 2;
uint64 end_height = 3;


message EventsResponse {
message Result {
bytes block_id = 1;
uint64 block_height = 2;
repeated entities.Event events = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp block_timestamp = 4;
repeated Result results = 1;


GetEventsForBlockIDs retrieves events for the specified block IDs and event type.

rpc GetEventsForBlockIDs(GetEventsForBlockIDsRequest) returns (GetEventsForBlockIDsResponse)

Events can be requested for a list of block IDs via the block_ids field and further filtered by event type via the type field.

The event results are grouped by block, with each group specifying a block ID, height and block timestamp.


message GetEventsForBlockIDsRequest {
string type = 1;
repeated bytes block_ids = 2;


message EventsResponse {
message Result {
bytes block_id = 1;
uint64 block_height = 2;
repeated entities.Event events = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp block_timestamp = 4;
repeated Result results = 1;

Network Parameters

Network parameters provide information about the Flow network. Currently, it only includes the chain ID. The following method can be used to query for network parameters.


GetNetworkParameters retrieves the network parameters.

rpc GetNetworkParameters (GetNetworkParametersRequest) returns (GetNetworkParametersResponse)


message GetNetworkParametersRequest {}


message GetNetworkParametersResponse {
string chain_id = 1;

chain_idChain ID helps identify the Flow network. It can be one of flow-mainnet, flow-testnet or flow-emulator

Protocol state snapshot

The following method can be used to query the latest protocol state snapshot.


GetLatestProtocolStateSnapshotRequest retrieves the latest Protocol state snapshot serialized as a byte array. It is used by Flow nodes joining the network to bootstrap a space-efficient local state.

rpc GetLatestProtocolStateSnapshot (GetLatestProtocolStateSnapshotRequest) returns (ProtocolStateSnapshotResponse);


message GetLatestProtocolStateSnapshotRequest {}


message ProtocolStateSnapshotResponse {
bytes serializedSnapshot = 1;

Execution results

The following method can be used to query the for execution results for a given block.


GetExecutionResultForBlockID retrieves execution result for given block. It is different from Transaction Results, and contain data about chunks/collection level execution results rather than particular transactions. Particularly, it contains EventsCollection hash for every chunk which can be used to verify the events for a block.

rpc GetExecutionResultForBlockID(GetExecutionResultForBlockIDRequest) returns (ExecutionResultForBlockIDResponse);


message GetExecutionResultForBlockIDRequest {
bytes block_id = 1;


message ExecutionResultForBlockIDResponse {
flow.ExecutionResult execution_result = 1;


Below are in-depth descriptions of each of the data entities returned or accepted by the Access API.


message Block {
bytes id
bytes parent_id
uint64 height
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp
repeated CollectionGuarantee collection_guarantees
repeated BlockSeal block_seals
repeated bytes signatures

idSHA3-256 hash of the entire block payload
heightHeight of the block in the chain
parent_idID of the previous block in the chain
timestampTimestamp of when the proposer claims it constructed the block.
NOTE: It is included by the proposer, there are no guarantees on how much the time stamp can deviate from the true time the block was published.
Consider observing blocks' status changes yourself to get a more reliable value.
collection_guaranteesList of collection guarantees
block_sealsList of block seals
signaturesBLS signatures of consensus nodes

The detailed semantics of block formation are covered in the block formation guide.

Block Header

A block header is a summary of a block and contains only the block ID, height, and parent block ID.

message BlockHeader {
bytes id
bytes parent_id
uint64 height

idSHA3-256 hash of the entire block payload
parent_idID of the previous block in the chain
heightHeight of the block in the chain

Block Seal

A block seal is an attestation that the execution result of a specific block has been verified and approved by a quorum of verification nodes.

message BlockSeal {
bytes block_id
bytes execution_receipt_id
repeated bytes execution_receipt_signatures
repeated bytes result_approval_signatures

block_idID of the block being sealed
execution_receipt_idID execution receipt being sealed
execution_receipt_signaturesBLS signatures of verification nodes on the execution receipt contents
result_approval_signaturesBLS signatures of verification nodes on the result approval contents

Block Status

enum BlockStatus {

UNKNOWNThe block status is not known.
FINALIZEDThe consensus nodes have finalized the block
SEALEDThe verification nodes have verified the block


A collection is a batch of transactions that have been included in a block. Collections are used to improve consensus throughput by increasing the number of transactions per block.

message Collection {
bytes id
repeated bytes transaction_ids

idSHA3-256 hash of the collection contents
transaction_idsOrdered list of transaction IDs in the collection

Collection Guarantee

A collection guarantee is a signed attestation that specifies the collection nodes that have guaranteed to store and respond to queries about a collection.

message CollectionGuarantee {
bytes collection_id
repeated bytes signatures

collection_idSHA3-256 hash of the collection contents
signaturesBLS signatures of the collection nodes guaranteeing the collection


A transaction represents a unit of computation that is submitted to the Flow network.

message Transaction {
bytes script
repeated bytes arguments
bytes reference_block_id
uint64 gas_limit
TransactionProposalKey proposal_key
bytes payer
repeated bytes authorizers
repeated TransactionSignature payload_signatures
repeated TransactionSignature envelope_signatures
message TransactionProposalKey {
bytes address
uint32 key_id
uint64 sequence_number
message TransactionSignature {
bytes address
uint32 key_id
bytes signature

scriptRaw source code for a Cadence script, encoded as UTF-8 bytes
argumentsArguments passed to the Cadence script, encoded as JSON-Cadence bytes
reference_block_idBlock ID used to determine transaction expiry
proposal_keyAccount key used to propose the transaction
payerAddress of the payer account
authorizersAddresses of the transaction authorizers
signaturesSignatures from all signer accounts

The detailed semantics of transaction creation, signing and submission are covered in the transaction submission guide.

Proposal Key

The proposal key is used to specify a sequence number for the transaction. Sequence numbers are covered in more detail here.

addressAddress of proposer account
key_idID of proposal key on the proposal account
sequence_numberSequence number for the proposal key

Transaction Signature

addressAddress of the account for this signature
key_idID of the account key
signatureRaw signature byte data

Transaction Status

enum TransactionStatus {

UNKNOWNThe transaction status is not known.
PENDINGThe transaction has been received by a collector but not yet finalized in a block.
FINALIZEDThe consensus nodes have finalized the block that the transaction is included in
EXECUTEDThe execution nodes have produced a result for the transaction
SEALEDThe verification nodes have verified the transaction (the block in which the transaction is) and the seal is included in the latest block
EXPIREDThe transaction was submitted past its expiration block height.


An account is a user's identity on Flow. It contains a unique address, a balance, a list of public keys and the code that has been deployed to the account.

message Account {
bytes address
uint64 balance
bytes code
repeated AccountKey keys
map<string, bytes> contracts

addressA unique account identifier
balanceThe account balance
codeThe code deployed to this account (deprecated, use contracts instead)
keysA list of keys configured on this account
contractsA map of contracts or contract interfaces deployed on this account

The code and contracts fields contain the raw Cadence source code, encoded as UTF-8 bytes.

More information on accounts can be found here.

Account Key

An account key is a reference to a public key associated with a Flow account. Accounts can be configured with zero or more public keys, each of which can be used for signature verification when authorizing a transaction.

message AccountKey {
uint32 id
bytes public_key
uint32 sign_algo
uint32 hash_algo
uint32 weight
uint32 sequence_number
bool revoked

idIndex of the key within the account, used as a unique identifier
public_keyPublic key encoded as bytes
sign_algoSignature algorithm
hash_algoHash algorithm
weightWeight assigned to the key
sequence_numberSequence number for the key
revokedFlag indicating whether or not the key has been revoked

More information on account keys, key weights and sequence numbers can be found here.


An event is emitted as the result of a transaction execution. Events are either user-defined events originating from a Cadence smart contract, or built-in Flow system events.

message Event {
string type
bytes transaction_id
uint32 transaction_index
uint32 event_index
bytes payload

typeFully-qualified unique type identifier for the event
transaction_idID of the transaction the event was emitted from
transaction_indexZero-based index of the transaction within the block
event_indexZero-based index of the event within the transaction
payloadEvent fields encoded as JSON-Cadence values

Execution Result

Execution result for a particular block.

message ExecutionResult {
bytes previous_result_id
bytes block_id
repeated Chunk chunks
repeated ServiceEvent service_events

previous_result_idIdentifier of parent block execution result
block_idID of the block this execution result corresponds to
chunksZero or more chunks
service_eventsZero or more service events


Chunk described execution information for given collection in a block

message Chunk {
bytes start_state
bytes event_collection
bytes block_id
uint64 total_computation_used
uint64 number_of_transactions
uint64 index
bytes end_state

start_stateState commitment at start of the chunk
event_collectionHash of events emitted by transactions in this chunk
block_idIdentifier of a block
total_computation_usedTotal computation used by transactions in this chunk
number_of_transactionsNumber of transactions in a chunk
indexIndex of chunk inside a block (zero-based)
end_stateState commitment after executing chunk

Service Event

Special type of events emitted in system chunk used for controlling Flow system.

message ServiceEvent {
string type;
bytes payload;

typeType of an event
payloadJSON-serialized content of an event



SubscribeEvents streams events for all blocks starting at the requested start block, up until the latest available block. Once the latest is reached, the stream will remain open and responses are sent for each new block as it becomes available.

Events within each block are filtered by the provided EventFilter, and only those events that match the filter are returned. If no filter is provided, all events are returned.

Responses are returned for each block containing at least one event that matches the filter. Additionally, heatbeat responses (SubscribeEventsResponse with no events) are returned periodically to allow clients to track which blocks were searched. Clients can use this information to determine which block to start from when reconnecting.

rpc SubscribeEvents(SubscribeEventsRequest) returns (stream SubscribeEventsResponse)


message SubscribeEventsRequest {
bytes start_block_id
uint64 start_block_height
EventFilter filter
uint64 heartbeat_interval
entities.EventEncodingVersion event_encoding_version

start_block_idThe first block to search for events. Only one of start_block_id and start_block_height may be provided, otherwise an InvalidArgument error is returned. If neither are provided, the latest sealed block is used
start_block_heightBlock height of the first block to search for events. Only one of start_block_id and start_block_height may be provided, otherwise an InvalidArgument error is returned. If neither are provided, the latest sealed block is used
filterFilter to apply to events for each block searched. If no filter is provided, all events are returned
heartbeat_intervalInterval in block heights at which the server should return a heartbeat message to the client
event_encoding_versionPreferred event encoding version of the block events payload. Possible variants: CCF, JSON-CDC


message SubscribeEventsResponse {
bytes block_id
uint64 block_height
repeated entities.Event events
google.protobuf.Timestamp block_timestamp


SubscribeExecutionData streams execution data for all blocks starting at the requested start block, up until the latest available block. Once the latest is reached, the stream will remain open and responses are sent for each new execution data as it becomes available.

rpc SubscribeExecutionData(SubscribeExecutionDataRequest) returns (stream SubscribeExecutionDataResponse)


message SubscribeExecutionDataRequest {
bytes start_block_id
uint64 start_block_height
entities.EventEncodingVersion event_encoding_version

start_block_idThe first block to get execution data for. Only one of start_block_id and start_block_height may be provided, otherwise an InvalidArgument error is returned. If neither are provided, the latest sealed block is used
start_block_heightBlock height of the first block to get execution data for. Only one of start_block_id and start_block_height may be provided, otherwise an InvalidArgument error is returned. If neither are provided, the latest sealed block is used
event_encoding_versionPreferred event encoding version of the block events payload. Possible variants: CCF, JSON-CDC


message SubscribeExecutionDataResponse {
uint64 block_height
entities.BlockExecutionData block_execution_data
google.protobuf.Timestamp block_timestamp

Execution data


EventFilter defines the filter to apply to block events. Filters are applied as an OR operation, i.e. any event matching any of the filters is returned. If no filters are provided, all events are returned. If there are any invalid filters, the API will return an InvalidArgument error.

message EventFilter {
repeated string event_type
repeated string contract
repeated string address

event_typeA list of full event types to include.
Event types have 2 formats:
_ Protocol events: flow.[event name]
_ Smart contract events: A.[contract address].[contract name].[event name]
contractA list of contracts who's events should be included. Contracts have the following name formats:
_ Protocol events: flow
_ Smart contract events: A.[contract address].[contract name]
This filter matches on the full contract including its address, not just the contract's name
addressA list of addresses who's events should be included. Addresses must be Flow account addresses in hex format and valid for the network the node is connected to. i.e. only a mainnet address is valid for a mainnet node. Addresses may optionally include the 0x prefix

Execution data streaming API

Execution Data API

The ExecutionDataAPI provides access to block execution data over gRPC, including transactions, events, and register data (account state). It’s an optional API, which makes use of the Execution Sync protocol to trustlessly download data from peers on the network.

execution data protobuf file

The API is disabled by default. To enable it, specify a listener address with the cli flag --state-stream-addr.

Below is a list of the available CLI flags to control the behavior of the API

state-stream-addrstringListener address for API. e.g. If no value is provided, the API is disabled. Default is disabled.
execution-data-cache-sizeuint32Number of block execution data objects to store in the cache. Default is 100.
state-stream-global-max-streamsuint32Global maximum number of concurrent streams. Default is 1000.
state-stream-max-message-sizeuintMaximum size for a gRPC response message containing block execution data. Default is 2010241024 (20MB).
state-stream-event-filter-limitsstringEvent filter limits for ExecutionData SubscribeEvents API. These define the max number of filters for each type. e.g. EventTypes=100,Addresses=20,Contracts=50. Default is 1000 for each.
state-stream-send-timeoutdurationMaximum wait before timing out while sending a response to a streaming client. Default is 30s.
state-stream-send-buffer-sizeuintMaximum number of unsent responses to buffer for a stream. Default is 10.
state-stream-response-limitfloat64Max number of responses per second to send over streaming endpoints. This effectively applies a rate limit to responses to help manage resources consumed by each client. This is mostly used when clients are querying data past data. e.g. 3 or 0.5. Default is 0 which means no limit.